Welcome international readers (there'll certainly be hundreds and thousands of you..) This is a blog about nurses and computers, and about the hard task of teaching us, Italian nurses and nursing students, how to use the net..
So, most of the blog will be in Italian, BUT, other contents as links, videos, etc. could be in English, so.. SYO!
Feed my fishes with your mouse..

domenica 17 marzo 2013

Infermieristica Transculturale

Sander Gladstone "The Immigrants", 1991, Baycrest Hospital, Toronto, Canada

La foto che ritrae questa opera è disponibile su Flickr con la formula "Tutti i diritti riservati". Per questo motivo ne pubblichiamo solo una parte (un ritaglio) con scopo meramente divulgativo e senza fini di lucro.

Esperti dell'Università di Firenze stanno progettando la realizzazione di un nuovo corso post laurea per professionisti sanitari che attraverso l'esposizione delle teorie del nursing più prestigiose affronterà la tematica della transculturalità nelle strutture sanitarie di ambito materno-infantile.
Il corso sarà aperto a Infermieri, Infermieri Pediatrici ed Ostetriche e si svolgerà in modalità "Blended Learning", ossia in parte con lezioni in presenza, in parte online.  A presto nuovi aggiornamenti. FG

lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Final MINE post

Hi everyone, sorry for my delay! 
I came back from Finland with a bad flu, and there were two oral exams waiting for me at my University, so... only today I found the time to concentrate myself on the final post! 
Sincerely, I've spent two very intense weeks in Finland, working, studying and "listening" to a language which unfortunately I didn't speak very well. But the hardest thing for me was face a way of teaching, learning and working together that I was not used to doing it in Italy. 
However, all the cultural differences I've known, they have been a true enrichment for me and for my education.
In spite of the many differences about the role of the nurse between our countries, the thing that struck me was this: our job is the same job everywhere. No matter what kind of skills and what kind of autonomy a nurse has. This profession is animated by the same spirit, everywhere.
To better explain what I mean, I will link a short tale about the 'Creation of nurse' . The author should be Erma Bombeck. The original title was “When God created mothers”, then someone changed 'mothers' with 'nurses', but I think it's even more suitable than the original-one. Our nurse-teacher of Pediatrics told it us the last year. It really touched me(althoug I am an atheist). Here is the link: http://www.poofcat.com/nurse7.html , I suggest you read it!
About the work that was done over the last three years, I think it's really very valuable and it would be a shame to lose it. Our delegation will work to put in the homepage of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Florence, of course) a link to MINE wiki. Thanks to this many guys willing to do Erasmus experience will access to all these useful informations.
I wish that in the future students will be more informed by their universities about what the Erasmus Program is and on how they should organize to do that, but also, I hope that European universities will promote the possibility for a student to do Erasmus, primarily increasing the places available for Erasmus students.

I would like to thank all those who have allowed me to participate in the MINE program. Thanks to Mirja, Airi, all the Finnish staff and the Finnish students who hosted and let us around like a perfect tour guides. Thanks to the teachers, the mentors, and the students for their help and for their cheerfulness. You made this experience incredible!
See you on FB

venerdì 17 febbraio 2012

Mentoring on Italian Mine Wiki

I believe that a wiki is one of the most usefull way to provide information. The new version is catchier and more exhaustive: it will certainly have a great success.
Looking at the section on "Mentoring in Italy", however, I do feel a little sorry. Although our ethical code provides for continuing self-education and considers a professional duty the participation in educational training activities for future nurses, most nurses are not able to interact with students, particularly on the human side. They are generally very good professionists, but they are usually  overwhelmed by duties and thus they are not able to follow students adequately. Maybe in Italy, to foster the development of mentorship, it may be convenient to motivate nurses by raising wages and partly reducing the amount of time dedicated to patients in favor of time dedicated to students. A similar strategy has been followed in Denmark, according to what Louisa from the Danish delegation told us. 
I really hope things may change in the future, we will try hard to play our part in this change!


domenica 12 febbraio 2012

Trip to Raauma and interesting meetings

Yesterday part of the MINE group went to Raauma. Wandering around town, me and other of us found a little shop of organic food and other biological finnish products. Connected to the store there was a very nice café and (surprise!) the barman was an Italian man from Udine (in the north of our country) married with a finnish woman. They've got two daughters, the first one was born in Italy and the second one in Finland, and they've lived permanently in Raauma since two years. We told him that we were nursing students and we had visited the hospital and the ER of Pori. Finnish health system, we said, seemed to us very efficient.
Concerning his experience they told us that the health reality is not always so happy.
Public administration decided to centralize the most important health care services in Pori, leaving population of Raauma and other isolated cities around without a good healthy assistance. This, he said, brings to the farmilies some difficulties because they don't have an approperly  pediatrician assistance and for the treatment of some of the most severe pathologies they have to drive a lot.
Moving away  health care basic services from little and isolated communities it's a way, he said, to urge people to address to the private health assistance and this is a very big  injustice in this country because its inhabitants pay a lot of taxes.
We were very surprise from his words : Pori wards seemed to us so well organized, efficient, almost perfect. But "perfection" doesn't exist anywhere.

In Italy there's a byword, "Non è tutto ora quello che luccica", trad.: "Not all the shining things are made of gold".

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Comments about video stories

Tuesday morning, when I saw the video stories of the American nurses that MINE staff shown us, I had the same sensation that I fill when I see some American movies. I felt like I was watching something of very spectacular and not a rappresentation of some true experiences. I do not doubt about the sincerity and the depth of these sensitive people. What I don't like that much is the sensational style used to tell about their lives. The images, the music (so dramatic!), the voice in the foreground... all these things seem to be directed at  impressing the audience at any cost.
Instead, I think that some experiences are very common in the life of any nurses (or physicians, or other professionists who deal with the care of the people) and it's not necessary making these things spectacular to avoid they become trite and banal.
But, I have to admit that my thought is influenced by a certain italian conviction - intellectual conviction - whereby something that's too much appealing to the general public isn't truly "genuine".
I admit that I have a little prejudice.

giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

MINE -Mentoring In Nursing in Europe - 2012

Hi everybody, this is a blog that I created two years ago as an assignement for a class at my University.
I thought that current MINE-assignements might have been a good opportunity to refresh this website.
The aim of that class was about the prominence of the exchange of  knowledges and learnings on the web and how this is important for professionals who are constantly training, like nurses and physicians.
So I thought it was very connected with the theme of Mentoring and the job we're going to do in Pori...

Finally, if you are interested in an Italian language lesson, a few words about the title ...
"Infermieristica Informatica: Informazioni di Informatica Infermieristica, Informaticamente e Infermieristicamente Informate" is a wordplay which uses the repetition of nouns, adjectives and their adverbs, that have the same route "inf-":
Infermieristica means Nursing
Informatica it's both a noun that means 'information technology' or an adjective which indicates something about the computer science
Informazioni simply means 'informations'
Informate is a participle which come from the verb Informare (= 'to acquaint someone of something').
The translation should be this:
"Computer Nursing : Informations about Nursing  information technology, computationally and 'nursingally' acquainted".
(Of course, it sounds very droll also in Italian).

See you soon in Pori, guys!


mercoledì 7 aprile 2010

Assignement 4, 5, 5 bis, 5 tris e... No profit!

Causa preparazione esami per corsi non gentilmente online come quello d'informatica, sono stata assente da questo schermo a lungo.. anche perché quando mi ci metto, ci sverno.
Dunque su Coltivare le connessioni in realtà non ho un che da dire: molto interessante e mi trovo pressoché d'accordo su tutto (in realtà delle cose ce le ho da dire, ma meglio domani col sole).
Delicious è utilissimo, peccato che l'application per sincronizzarlo con chrome (io uso google chrome come browser) esiste da pochi giorni, e non funziona ancora bene. Per ora utilizzo il comando TAG ("salva in delicious") sulla barra delle applicazioni in alto a destra ogni volta che sono su una pagina interessante, ma non è simultaneo con i bookmarks di google, che uso tantissimo.
Per quanto riguarda il discorso generale su tag, condivisioni, fantastico mondo del Web, ecc. ecc. oltre a scorrazzare per delicious, ho editato la pagina "Assignement 5bis" del wiki della prof Agresti, sperando di essere modificata e ovviamente integrata, perché ho solo iniziato la descrizione orrenda di folksonomia.
Per quanto riguarda il TEST, aaaaaaaah.... punteggio bassissimo ma, magari, adesso ne so un po' di più.

Comunque, in quanto membro di un'associazione di volontariato, approfitto dell'occasione per per segnalare un decreto interministeriale or ora partorito che abolisce gli sconti postali per le associazioni di volontariato, come quella in cui sono io e molti altri, credo.

I costi per i servizi postali arriveranno a 5 volte tanto quello che paghiamo ed è un vero colpo mancino soprattutto per quegli enti che lavorano nel sociale (ATT, Medici Senza Frontiere, LAV, Emergency - per citarne fra i più famosi). 
Infatti, nonostante venga spontaneo lamentarsi per la montagna di volantini che intasa la buca delle lettere, è indubbio che il mezzo che meglio permette di arrivare alla popolazione è quello cartaceo, visto che quello televisivo è troppo costoso e quello telematico è ancora privilegio di pochi, per lo più molto giovani e poco interessati a certe tematiche assistenziali.

Porto l'esempio delle varie AT, come l'Associazione Tumori Toscana, con cui certamente non auguro a nessuno di avere a che fare ma, posso testimoniare, sopperisce spesso a immense lacune del sistema sanitario, soprattutto nella cura dei malati in fase terminale.

La normativa colpisce ovviamente tutti i gruppi che lavorano senza scopo di lucro in ambito culturale, artistico, teatrale e musicale, ecc.

In quanto membri di un ente No-Profit, o perché ne condividete la causa, invito chi non l'abbia già fatto a leggere e magari aderire alla petizione Contro l'aumento di tarriffe postali

  segnalata da questo articolo di Repubblica.it
(La firma non comporta iscrizione al sito vita.it


Basta, torno a studiare, anzi, a far cena che è l'ora giusta!

