Welcome international readers (there'll certainly be hundreds and thousands of you..) This is a blog about nurses and computers, and about the hard task of teaching us, Italian nurses and nursing students, how to use the net..
So, most of the blog will be in Italian, BUT, other contents as links, videos, etc. could be in English, so.. SYO!
Feed my fishes with your mouse..

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Comments about video stories

Tuesday morning, when I saw the video stories of the American nurses that MINE staff shown us, I had the same sensation that I fill when I see some American movies. I felt like I was watching something of very spectacular and not a rappresentation of some true experiences. I do not doubt about the sincerity and the depth of these sensitive people. What I don't like that much is the sensational style used to tell about their lives. The images, the music (so dramatic!), the voice in the foreground... all these things seem to be directed at  impressing the audience at any cost.
Instead, I think that some experiences are very common in the life of any nurses (or physicians, or other professionists who deal with the care of the people) and it's not necessary making these things spectacular to avoid they become trite and banal.
But, I have to admit that my thought is influenced by a certain italian conviction - intellectual conviction - whereby something that's too much appealing to the general public isn't truly "genuine".
I admit that I have a little prejudice.

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