Welcome international readers (there'll certainly be hundreds and thousands of you..) This is a blog about nurses and computers, and about the hard task of teaching us, Italian nurses and nursing students, how to use the net..
So, most of the blog will be in Italian, BUT, other contents as links, videos, etc. could be in English, so.. SYO!
Feed my fishes with your mouse..

venerdì 17 febbraio 2012

Mentoring on Italian Mine Wiki

I believe that a wiki is one of the most usefull way to provide information. The new version is catchier and more exhaustive: it will certainly have a great success.
Looking at the section on "Mentoring in Italy", however, I do feel a little sorry. Although our ethical code provides for continuing self-education and considers a professional duty the participation in educational training activities for future nurses, most nurses are not able to interact with students, particularly on the human side. They are generally very good professionists, but they are usually  overwhelmed by duties and thus they are not able to follow students adequately. Maybe in Italy, to foster the development of mentorship, it may be convenient to motivate nurses by raising wages and partly reducing the amount of time dedicated to patients in favor of time dedicated to students. A similar strategy has been followed in Denmark, according to what Louisa from the Danish delegation told us. 
I really hope things may change in the future, we will try hard to play our part in this change!


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